While the internet is full of amazing things that you can learn from, when it comes to running an online business, you need to keep yourself up-to-speed on the various statistics related to digital marketing, users, web search, internet advertising, among others. This can help you to be a step ahead of the competition at all times and can help you to strategize winning campaigns to ace the online world. The general insights into how the world uses the internet, or more specifically, how your target market/audience uses the internet can help you to come up with ideas that drive traffic and boost website conversion.

Being on top of things is very important, especially if you are running an online business niche which is fiercely competitive; for example, an eCommerce store. With options aplenty, customers today want instant results, quick service, a better deal for a product at a great price, so on and so forth. Thus, here statistics can be mightily helpful in understanding what the current demand is or what your target audience wants, which makes it easier for you to deliver it at lightning speed.

The below infographic on Internet Statistics is a great resource as it provides comprehensive information on the latest trends. From social media and blogging to web hosting and eCommerce, this infographic will give you an overview of internet usage statistics that can help facilitate faster decision making. Also, when you have the pulse on the ongoings of the world wide web, you would be able to take your business to the next level of success. Thus, make the most of this infographic that explains everything you need to know about the Internet.

The best part, you can download or print this infographic for free and keep it handy for reference purposes.

100+ Statistics And Facts of The Internet[Infographic] by the team at HostingClues

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