Time to make your energy future more predictable

– Alistair Booth, MD, Ortus Energy


UK businesses have a real opportunity to lock-in some energy certainty as a full-blown fuel crisis with even more price increases beckons this October.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are longer-term deals that let you fix a set rate directly from the energy source – so no need to worry about fluctuations in wholesale prices – and increasingly the most cost-effective and sustainable options are distributed renewable energy sources.

Solar in particular is transforming the way in which we produce and consume energy and Commercial & Industrial (C&I) roof-top PPAs from Ortus Energy Ltd ensure your organisation benefits from low-cost, clean energy, without any capital expenditure,that’s independent from the grid and not exposed to the volatility of open-market forces and prices.

Having recently signed a deal with international assets investment company Fiera Infrastructure to deploy £100m of investments into the UK market, specialist Solar PV project development company Ortus Energy is a major new player when it comes to guarding against energy uncertainty.

Alistair Booth

Their C&I customers are substantially improving their environmental profile, ESG commitments and  carbon footprint, as well as locking-in a sizeable portion of the energy price for 25 years, at no upfront cost.

Alistair Booth, MD at Ortus Energy, said: “We design a bespoke roof top system that feeds directly into your power supply behind the meter, so you only pay for the energy you use. We also fully fund the installation, maintenance, and insurance of your Solar system for the duration of the project.

“Additionally, our PPAs are at more favourable rates that have not been seen in the industry since the end of the government subsidised Feed-in-Tariff rates discontinued several years ago.”

For those with unsuitable or insufficient roof space Ortus offer Private Wire PPAs – via suitable land near premises either owned by the client, or another party who are willing to arrange a long-term lease agreement. This is slightly more complex but will still offer significant savings over current bills.

Alternatively, Corporate PPAs are more suitable for those using significant amounts of energy per year – at least 15GWh – whereby the business is allocated a proportion (or all) of the energy generated by a solar farm elsewhere on the grid. This option also allows them to lock-in the wholesale energy portion of their entire bill for up to 30 years.

Booth added: “The time for a more predictable, stable and cost-efficient energy solution is now, because more stringent laws and building codes are coming, plus there’s a growing eco-conscious workforce and greater demand and incentives for sustainable work places.

“Since more investment has been pumped into solar, it’s seen as a really viable means of integrating sustainability into the business – and is a lot cheaper than you think. Panels are also a fraction of the price they were just a few years ago.”


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