Veterans sacrifice much in their roles as our nation’s protectors, and it is only human to want to give something back out of respect for their service.

One such way to do this could be through the provision of financial support. After all, when many soldiers come back from overseas, they discover that their lives are forever changed. In light of this, it is not uncommon for grateful civilians to want to express their gratitude across a plethora of ways.

What financial help might you offer? After the jump, you will find a few suggestions.


Walk Veterans You Know Through the VA Loan

If you know a returning veteran personally, walk them through the Veterans Affairs loan to help them.

The veteran loan is a financial supplement that helps soldiers secure a home or refinance an existing mortgage. They will likely be aware of this scheme already, but you can still offer reminders or encouraging support to get things moving. You could even sit with them as they fill out the form, providing advice or company.

Giving them support will save them time filling out the form. It will also provide them with motivation.

What people find difficult can be somewhat relative. It might be that the veteran you know finds day-to-day tasks difficult to adjust to, whether they are traumatized by grief or accustomed to making bigger decisions of larger import. Even mundane tasks with loans can be a big step, so be there for them.


Cover Their Needs Where Possible

It’s possible to express goodwill financially.

November 11th officially marks Veteran’s Day, where veterans are served with freebies and deals by businesses. If you manage your own firm, extend that generosity to them all year round.

You do not need to a business owner either – if you see a uniformed man or woman paying for something in a public setting, offer to cover the cost of their purchase for them. This could be a smaller financial gesture that has a larger emotional impact. A little goes a long way, so stick to that principle wherever possible.


Facilitate Exciting Fundraising Campaigns

You can set up your own fundraising event or join an existing campaign. The choice is yours.

Dedicated high school students raised enough money to be able to send D-Day veterans overseas to Normandy, facilitating an incredibly poignant moment for the soldiers to experience. They sold candy and took donations, only ever hoping to serve those who served them. Research stories such as these and they will provide you with plenty of inspiration.

Worthwhile ideas may include acquiring sponsorship for a physical activity, organizing quizzes and raffles, or orchestrating a bake sale. Start by fostering a sense of community and shared purpose, because the military is the ultimate unifying entity. People admire the feats of courage and teamworking that the military has performed, so honoring that spirit is the best way to go with whatever idea you come up with.


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