Never in history has the world relied more on the internet than during this Covid-19 pandemic. With governments imposing lockdowns and other social distancing measures everywhere, disruption to the traditional demand and supply systems has been inevitable. Today, businesses and the world population at large are turning online for solutions to this sudden paralysis. This is where the importance of e-commerce platforms is manifesting.

While the concept of online shopping is nothing new, its importance has grown several folds during these Covid times. The increasing limitation of movement and international border restrictions are some of the reasons more people are opting to do business over the internet. Put otherwise, e-commerce is helping the world to cope in various ways that we discuss below.


Facilitating service delivery

Think about this; the education system is a service delivery sector that plays such a crucial role in the growth of the world. It facilitates discoveries, sharing of knowledge, employments, and interactions among people. Unfortunately, all this was severely interrupted by the pandemic, with most schools now closed down to minimize the spread of the virus.

E-commerce platforms are offering alternate places where learning can take place. For example, schools are now actively setting up websites where students can enjoy remote access to tutors and learning materials. This has seen businesses go on as usual, but with the exception of physical interactions.


Empowering the product industry

Any business, whether new or established, small or large, can sell its products over the internet. Today, some of the world’s largest e-commerce platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce are making it easy for entrepreneurs to set up online stores. Use them to diversify your marketing channels, reach more potential customers, and make more money.

A properly set up online store is just as effective as a land-based one, with the added comfort of operating it from anywhere. You no longer have to stress about business closure and staying jobless. It also offers an alternate way for your customers to find your products, pay, and provide feedback for future improvements.


Providing entertainment

Statistics show that digital streaming services like Netflix and YouTube are thriving more now compared to pre-Covid times, but why so? With people spending more time indoors, there’s an increased demand for streaming content including music and movies. So, if you have any exciting projects that you’d like to share with the world, now is the best time to do it!

Governments everywhere are barring traditional entertainment as a measure to minimize human interaction. Luckily, there are a few effective ways to go around these restrictions with e-commerce. For example, you can build an audience and make money while at it by sharing ideas through articles, making online videos, or even promoting other people’s content.


Offering venues to sell intellectual property

The internet offers an excellent platform to sell your skills, insights, and expertise. For instance, think about readers and students; where are they getting reading materials with book stores now closed?

You can bridge this gap by joining online stores like Amazon to sell your hardcover books, magazines, and any other intellectual property. If you’re a musician, this is also a great time to ramp up your marketing by focusing on platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify and SoundCloud among others.


Creating alternate supply chains

E-commerce platforms are offering alternative supply systems for delivering necessities to consumers. For example, with the traveling restrictions imposed in some places, it means business owners have to rely more on the online supply systems to deliver goods.

In the same vein, online shops are providing safe ways to restock supplies; consumers no longer have to walk to groceries, chemists, or shops to pick the necessities. Less movement translates to reduced chances of getting infected, and a step in the right direction in the fight against Covid-19.


Providing channels for crowdfunding

If you have a revolutionary idea or activity that you’d like people to support you on, this is a great time to promote it online. For example, people discovering foods and drugs that help to manage Covid-19 symptoms are getting a lot of support in donations.

To get started, all you need is to set up an account on e-commerce platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. If your idea resonates well with your target audience, then you’re all set to do something you love while uniting people for the common good.



Covid-19 is nothing like we’ve seen before and is sure to change how we live and view most things. Luckily, e-commerce has enabled people to lead near-normal lives, given that you can order, buy, or sell pretty much anything without necessarily interacting physically. With no end in sight for this pandemic, it’s safe to say e-commerce is here to stay!

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