The Benefits of Digital Organisation and How to Achieve It

by Fraser Stewart, CCO at Lyfeguard


Information-overload is seemingly a norm in today’s world, a phenomenon that can easily lead to disorganisation and the misplacement of important documents. Staying organised and on top of personal administrative tasks is the key to unlocking efficiency, productivity, and peace of mind.

The impact of the digital age

The digital age has transformed the way we manage our lives in many positive ways, such as increased connection, information, and the ability to do so while mobile. Despite these benefits, over half of UK citizens still struggle to stay on top of life admin. This refers to any administrative tasks of a personal nature that are required in modern living, such as paying bills, filing taxes, or managing insurance.

Indeed, over 60 per cent of consumers do not have a will in place according to polling research from Lyfeguard and Censuswide. The polling also revealed that over a third of respondents find that life admin has had a negative impact on their mental health. This was found especially among 25-34-year-olds at the beginning of their careers, with 57 per cent suffering.

The importance of digital organisation

Digital organisation allows personal information to be easily accessed at any given moment. No more rooting around in an old drawer for documents when you need them, they can be at your fingertips at any given moment.

This also helps with the sharing of life admin documents and tasks among family, friends, or other collaborators. This seamless transition of important documents makes sure that they never get misplaced or given to the wrong person.

Additionally, organising life admin digitally helps unify information for easy access. Research has found that 43 per cent of people find that collating important life documents takes too long, even up to 5 hours per week! Finally, digital organisation means going paperless, making it an environmentally friendly and cost-effective option for managing data.

How to achieve digital organisation

While accessible, transitioning from physical to digital organisation requires careful thought. Firstly, ensuring that all devices are up-to-date and include the most recent privacy and security settings is key. Secondly, everything should be backed up with a cloud storage solution to ensure that nothing valuable is lost.

Digital calendars are also a useful way to keep track of deadlines and important life admin tasks. There are a variety of these available; experimenting with different platforms ensures that the most appropriate one is employed. Finally, document management systems are essential to keeping everything organised and easily accessible for sharing.

In an increasingly digitised world, many important life admin tasks are moving online. Not only is this environmentally friendly, but it also makes sharing and editing important documents easier. This is made possible through digital organisation that uses secure, backed-up digital calendars and document management systems for efficient and productive life admin.

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