Tag: financial institutions


Forecasts, automation and risk management: Machine learning’s impact on the financial sector

By Ronald Binkofski, CEO at STX Next Armed with the capabilities of machine learning (ML), financial institutions and finance executives have long been turning unstructured...

The State of the Finance Sector in 2024   

CloudSmiths Digital Transformation and Business Development Leader, Anton Kopytov      What a year 2023 has been for technology! 12 months of significant advancements in Artificial Intelligence...

2024: Digital transformation’s ‘big bang’ moment?

By Frode Berg, Managing Director – EMEA, Provenir   Today’s financial services industry is defined by rapid technological advances and a fast-evolving regulatory ecosystem that’s...

Inclusive credit scoring: Bridging the data disconnect

By Ali Hamriti, CEO and Co-founder of Rollee    In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, the traditional frameworks of credit scoring have struggled to adapt to...

Why Banks Need a Holistic Approach to Digital Transformation

By Imran Vilcassim, Global Solutions Director, Digital Platforms, BPC   Overhauling legacy infrastructure and replacing it with digital-first, cloud-enabled solutions is at the heart of digital...

Automation leaves financial institutions exposed to fraud

 Technological advances mean that financial institutions are automating the handling of documents to remove manual work, improve accuracy and make better decisions. In the...