Adapting traditional financial market ecosystems to new digital delivery protocols is increasing confidence and encouraging change in the financial sector. Despite uncertainties, regulation and inherent aversion to risk, proof-of-concept systems built on blockchain technology – with diverse investment and lifestyle offerings – may lead adoption and increase investor confidence.
New technologies aren’t readily adopted. This is no exception in digital or financial sectors. Engineers initiated TCP/IP protocols, the basis for what we know as the world-wide-web today, in the early 1970s. What is now ubiquitous didn’t appear overnight. The technology required testing, the applications had to align, and investment had to occur. Old methods had to be acknowledged. The proof of concept needed application. Once advertisers and corporations -the investors and proponents of the old methods- found the inherent value, the internet advanced, and continues to move, with alarming speed. It took time. It took innovation. And it took wisdom.
Vj Angelo has more than 35 years of experience in the finance sector. He has that wisdom gleaned from decades of financial expertise. Vj has recently moved into blockchain and crypto indexing and, with his partners, has launched a decentralised digital wealth ecosystem, Inspira Digital Wealth Club, a bellwether of change in the adoption of new financial technologies.

Smart Contract and blockchain technologies are being adopted at large, around the globe. Since the inception of blockchain technologies in 2008, with bitcoin transactions, there have been advances and some significant returns, but these have been limited in scope and fraught with contention and risk. While the rate of adoption may be faster than we saw with internet and IP protocols, the acceptance for financial institutions of the viability of decentralised systems, cryptocurrencies, tokens and smart contracts, as facilitated by blockchain technologies, still has some way to go. The potential exists, according to Vj, his team and their investors, but the technology remains beyond the realm of possibility for institutional investors and the financial sector at large.
It’s been more than a dozen years since we saw the first blockchain instance proposed for bitcoin. Considering Moore’s Law and other theories of computing and technology, this is a lifetime. Given the cultural context, and the nature of financial services around the world today, why is it taking so long for our financial systems to wholly adopt blockchain technologies? What can be done to change this?
Oversight, regulation and traditional methods of doing business in finance, have led to slow adaptation and even slower adoption. Traditional financial systems and old, centralised data models are cumbersome, at best. With over reliance on antiquated, over-taxed centralised systems, the financial sector is unable to keep ready pace with the speed of investment. The problem is only getting worse. Something as basic as the liquidation of assets has been likened to moving mountains. Institutional systems don’t allow for ready adoption of new technologies. The fear of investment risk or security issues stifle progress. We are now at a critical juncture with financial technology.
According to Vj, what’s needed is a clear proof-of-concept and ready solutions to current problems facing the fintech sector. Blockchain is a buzzword, and crypto currency is a new, hot thing, but the volatility of crypto markets, privacy concerns and the inherent transparency of such technologies gives pause to all but the most radical investors, stifling real progress in financial services.
Wider adoption may well be through rectifying existing, traditional financial models, with the speed, security and data potential of blockchain resources. New fintech models, like the Inspira Digital Wealth Club, are providing this proof-of-concept and finding ways to manage change in financial markets whilst offering on-chain digital solutions which address pressing financial and security needs. A middle ground, understanding and leveraging “old methods” of management and finance with new technologies opens up entirely new avenues of wealth management, investment and wealth generation. This will provide countless opportunities for experienced and novice investors alike.
Inspira Digital Wealth Club acknowledges these old models, finds the middle ground and provides incredible opportunities to investors, from new to experienced managers. Combining the wisdom of an older, tested business mindset, embracing diversification, and laying this over a new, transparent and inherently faster decentralised framework could assuage potential concerns for experienced investors. This may also motivate younger, innovative yet untested investors and early-adopters to explore opportunities. With a comprehensive financial ecosystem, focusing on lifestyle in the context of wealth management and offering this as a differentiator – a game-changing perspective in the world of digital finance – Inspira is on the cusp of meaningful institutional change and a digital financial revolution.
The key to all of this, according to Vj, is the smart contract. Enabling tokens which do more than register asset ownership is the critical component to keeping corporate actions on-chain. This is an innovative solution, a 360 degree approach that is more than just a blockchain transfer of asset ownership. Inspira is changing the way investors think by offering them the diversity they need in a single platform. They provide a range of investment funds, advisory services and luxury lifestyle products, on-chain, with the ability to generate tradable tokens to reinforce the lifestyle.
With old infrastructure, cumbersome investment systems and sluggish regulatory frameworks, global finance is ripe for new players, innovators and forward thinkers. This will leave old financial institutions, reliant on antiquated, centralised systems scrambling to catch up. And, while the value of regulatory systems is evident, with regulators intent on keeping us all safe from financial misdoings, the transparency of blockchain transactions and smart contracts mitigate much of the concerns for financial regulators. Indexing does much the same for the volatility of the crypto market. This is the wisdom in the innovation, the decades of traditional financial expertise embracing new, smart and transparent technologies.
Inspira Digital Wealth Club has high aspirations. Inviting innovative investors and moving the blockchain from an isolated crypto-focused mindset, Inspira hopes to change the nature of digital finance, ushering in a new era of innovation, sensibility and usability. By acknowledging old systems, proving solutions to inherent problems and testing comprehensive offerings in the market, Inspira Digital Wealth Club is paving the way for future innovation in fintech. Investors get a mitigated sense of what’s possible, the unbidden control of their own investment portfolio across a range of services, and investment assets they can actually enjoy. It’s a coupling of financial success and lifestyle focus and, perhaps, the dawn of a new age in investment technology.
Vj Angelo has worked in finance and investment for over 35 years, with experience in fixed income, listed derivatives, exchange market infrastructure, regulation and capital raising. After moving into Digital Technology and products in 2018 he founded LDX Asset Management and Inspira Digital Wealth in 2020. – the world’s first Defi 2.0 Wealth Management Club.