New platform has potential to cut fraudulent claims by almost half Decrease claims costs by as much as two thirds


Pact Global, an insurtech business, has launched an Artificially Intelligent (AI) Claims as a Service (CaaS) platform to help the General Insurance market significantly reduce fraud exposure, accelerate the claims process, enhance customer insight and significantly reduce the overall cost of handling a claim by up to 66%.


Mark Seddon, Founder and CEO of Pact, says what currently takes days or weeks to complete, can now be managed in minutes: “Our platform is better for the customer, as it makes the claims process much faster and easier, and also much better for the insurer, as it automates the whole process and minimises the time spent on claims management, a significant cost to the business.”


Focussing currently on travel, motor and property insurance, all Pact’s offerings use more than 50 separate data points during the claim validation process to verify the customer’s contact details and investigate their claims history.


Verification is supported by the use of AI, behavioural analytics, assisted intelligence and a purpose-built, face and voice recognition program. Employed at the First Notification of Loss (via a white labelled customer mobile and web app), it confirms the customer’s identity and detects whether expressions/behaviours or variations in speech might give cause for concern.


Pact enables the collation of all policies and schedule information for easy customer access, importantly allowing the platform to verify the claim against the policy for the insurer.  Relevant limits and schedule information are then known to be correct before the claim progresses.


For travel insurance claims specifically, the platform cross-references claims like cancellations and delay, to transport information (e.g. Flights).  Across all insurance types, checking weather patterns increases the likelihood of detecting fraud and helps insurers predict possible surges in claims:


“The platform is so intelligent that it can detect whether any images or videos, invoices, warranties and receipts uploaded have been used anywhere else in the world,” Mark continues, “and it’s all done within a matter of minutes.”


Alongside this, Pact has automated and simplified the process of dealing with third parties to obtain quotes, instruct workers, update claims status and verify job progress prior to invoicing, all accessible to both customer and claims handler through the app.


The platform can integrate into existing networks or be used to find local tradespeople or garages, supporting local communities. The open communication between worker, claim handler and customer reduces complications and allows the customer and/or claims handler to easily flag and resolve potential issues.


To further improve customer service, the mobile app features a Machine Learning Chat Bot called Ollie, which is designed to advise, assist and simplify the user experience. It delivers real time notifications, keeping claimants informed of their claim’s status improving customer service by 65%. It stores all policy information and T&Cs and can identify policy cover and limits. This increases customer awareness and creates upsell opportunities for insurers, buying or renewing with a single click.


Mark says that Pact has been built to deliver customer transparency and improve the experience with their insurer, ultimately building and cementing trust: “It is designed to significantly reduce the time and cost of handling claims for insurers, delivering real savings to the bottom line.  It’s win-win for company and customer.”


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