By Phillip McGlade, CEO, Thérapie Clinic


The aesthetic market has never been as competitive in the UK; in fact, by the end of 2021, it’s believed that almost 1.5 million people will have had a nonsurgical treatment such as Botox or fillers.

Thérapie Clinic is the fastest-growing aesthetic medical clinic in Europe, with over 55 clinics and over 200 doctors on our growing team throughout the UK and Ireland. We offer a wide range of aesthetics treatments, such as laser hair removal, anti-wrinkle injections, and dermal and lip fillers.

As a business, we’ve been delighted with our growth in the market over the past few years but there’s a lot we’ve learnt along the way. Here’s my top tips for how to grow your business.


Work with like-minded partners

We work with businesses that are local to our clinics where we can, and actively seek out businesses that understand the level of service and professionalism that we offer to each and every customer. Many of the businesses that we work with have similar ethics and aim to deliver a top-rate service to their customers also, and that’s what makes a great business partnership work – similar expectations and results.

Working closely with our suppliers and customers is one of the things that makes our business run as well as it does. Knowing that both are integral to our success is something that we’ve always lived by – we’re results driven and we strive for excellence every single day and working with suppliers who feel the same, helps us deliver excellence for our customers.

Alongside our partners, a big part of the Thérapie Clinic success story has been built on strong customer recommendations but also on offering best in market customer treatments and procedures that are professional, thorough and world class. Incentives too, to give our customers something extra for their business: for example, our “recruit a friend” campaign gives our customers £30 when they refer a friend to us and we also offer 2% credit back offer on our app.


Keep clear goals

Planning and mapping out your path as much as you can is very important. Refine your value proposition, be clear in your goals and map out how you want to reach them. Research is important – there are various enterprises available with either advice or financial help depending on the level your business is at. Seek them out and see what could work for you or your business.

We’ve got huge hopes and ambitions for the company, and we dedicate a lot of our time to long-term strategy and goal planning to ensure we achieve them. So, while we’re working hard to ensure the day-to-day running of the business is as customer-centric and professional as possible with our current offerings, we’ve still also got plenty of activity happening in the background to help keep those longer-term dreams alive as well.

Our number one goal is undoubtedly to be the first global aesthetic medical chain in the world, and that’s something that we’re working very hard to achieve. Watch this space!


Employing the right people

Recruiting a large team is always a challenge. When searching for new candidates, ensure that you’re looking for candidates that share your values and perspective, as much as experience and knowledge. We’re fortunate that, as a brand that has been around for over 20 years, people have come to know how we operate and this has also attracted many of our great hires.

However, to be a great company to work for, it’s important to reward your colleagues well, both financially and culturally, including offering plenty of opportunities for them to develop and grow. Ideally, you want to keep your attrition rate very low as you promote and develop your colleagues, making sure that people are moving at the same time as your business.


Don’t ignore the competition

Don’t see competition as a bad thing. Instead, we welcome competition – in fact, striving to be the best and keeping an eye on the competition has helped us to make our brand and our proposition to customers, as solid as it is.

Competition in every market keeps businesses on its toes and gives customers better products and services. We’re delighted to be doing as well as we are in such a vibrant market for beauty and aesthetics, and we put this down to our best-in-class attitude for our customers’ experience.


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