– Jordan
Golf isn’t only considered work for just the professional golfer, as under the right circumstances a round of golf can be very productive. Personal relationships are very important, no matter the industry or business, and golf can be an incredibly effective means of networking. As the old saying goes, “it’s not what you know, but who you know,” and the course is a great place to get to know a potential business associate. Many business owners love to play golf, as some of them met their business partners over a tee time. Playing golf with a prospective partner can help in establishing a relationship that will end up an advantage to both parties.
So how golf and business go well together?
Relationships of all kinds take a bit of time to establish, and business relationships are no exception. Trust and communication with potential clients require nurturing, and spending time on the course with them is a great way to do so. First impressions are often emphasized when meeting a new person, but it is rare for a relationship to have much of a foundation based on a chance meeting or casual introduction. A corporate event or business meeting is a good start, but a great way to secure additional opportunities to get to know someone is to suggest a round of golf, should the interest be mutual.

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While formal business meetings are the norm, there have been many a negotiation and discussion of business while waiting for the fairway to clear on the tee box. While you’re enjoying being out of the office, it’s likely that your associate will as well, creating an excellent atmosphere for discussing potential business with things far more relaxed and less uptight. It is more likely thinking out of the box.
Most rounds of golf will take about four hours, ensuring plenty of time during the round to get down to business while still taking the time to enjoy the game and relax. Ample downtime is available to pitch your business idea from time on the tee while walking up to the green, or if you’re sharing a cart heading down the fairway. Discussions can easily stray from that new driver that fixed your slice, to a new business idea. This is a major advantage to using golf as a networking tool – the sheer amount of time spent during the round. There is no need to rush into the business talk, and as a matter of fact, the first few holes can be spent getting a better feel of your associates on a personal level first. Holding off on the business idea until the end, or waiting until the opportunity presents itself can make the pitch easier, without having your colleague feel trapped in a cart all afternoon talking shop.
One of the best things about golf is that you do not necessarily have to be a good golfer to make a good impression on the course. Bear in mind, that the average golfer is, in fact, not very good. How you carry yourself during the round can say as much about your character than your score as right attitude is a must. If you are truly a great golfer, showing some humility will likely help to foster a future relationship more than your game, and likewise, a less than a skilled player or just learning to play, shouldn’t make an overly big deal about their difficulties.
Self-assuredness and composure are sought after traits in the business world, and your associates will have an opportunity to notice those qualities while on the golf course. Your skill won’t matter as much as how you deal with success and adversity during the round. Golf is a game of honor and sportsmanship, and those things don’t go unnoticed when a prospective client or associate is considering you for a potential deal or relationship. Being skillful is not as important as how you handle the game.
Most importantly, remember that the game of golf is supposed to be fun, even when your business colleagues are present. Be sure to strike the right balance between your personal chatter and your networking efforts, and be mindful of the behaviors you demonstrate while golfing and make sure you and your partner have a good time. Your experience with your associates can lead to some of the most treasured times of your personal and business life.