Giesecke+Devrient invites to join the cause of saving the oceans.
Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) and the environmental organization Parley for the Oceans have concluded an agreement on the production and offering of environmentally friendly payment cards. By recycling plastic waste from the world’s oceans for the production of the cards, G+D intends to support clients in their sustainability strategies and promote eco-innovation through payment solutions.
G+D is committed to preserve a world fit for future generations. Beyond its own target to reduce direct and indirect CO2 emissions by 25 percent by 2022, G+D also wants to support its clients in achieving their own sustainability goals.
For this reason, G+D is now partnering with the environmental organization Parley for the Oceans, a movement committed to taking action to raise awareness for the beauty and fragility of our oceans and collaborating on projects that can end their destruction. Parley works closely with leading companies from various industries, by following the AIR strategy which consists in: Avoiding plastic wherever possible, Intercepting plastic before it reaches our oceans and environments, and Redesigning materials, methods, and products to be more in synchronization with nature. Parley’s hands-on efforts include collecting plastic waste from oceans, rivers and beaches for the purpose of upcycling and recycling.
The agreement between G+D and Parley includes the production of payment cards by G+D using raw materials provided by Parley. G+D will offer the cards under the name Convego Parley Ocean card. The new cards will be made from materials supplied by Parley, including plastic granules, bales and flakes obtained from recycled plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The cooperation primarily concerns payment cards, but the production of other products is not ruled out. In addition, G+D and Parley have decided to work closely together in the future to research and develop other alternative environmentally friendly materials.
With the new Convego Parley Ocean payment cards, G+D is addressing banks and card issuers that want to demonstrate their engagement towards social and environmental responsibilities. The new generation of customers – Generation Z – in particular, are looking for products and services that are driven by the eco-friendly agenda and demonstrate significant action towards delivering a genuinely sustainable suite of products and services. If a bank wants to fulfill its corporate social responsibility and encourage their customers to adopt a greener lifestyle, G+D’s eco-innovative payment solutions, and the undertaking of actions alongside Parley, will make a difference for the planet and future generations.
“It is exciting news for this little tiny plastic card we all carry around: You are up for redesign!” emphasizes Cyrill Gutsch, CEO and Founder of Parley for the Oceans. “Our partnership with G+D brings our Convego Parley Ocean card to millions of new users to serve as an everyday reminder that every single one of us has the power to change the world. By voting with our wallets. Purchase by purchase.”
Dr. Carsten Wengel, Global Head of Sales & Distribution of the smart card and digital payments security business of G+D, adds: “Consumers are looking for new ways towards a more sustainable lifestyle. That is why we empower banks with eco-innovative payment cards. When consumers place this card at the top of their wallet, it becomes their daily reminder of their own and their bank’s commitment to protect the planet.”