Forter Strengthens its Trust Platform with a Wave of Innovations

New capabilities reinforce the value of a platform that spans fraud, payments and identity

Forter, the Trust Platform for digital commerce, has announced product innovations designed to optimise payments, strengthen visibility and control and drive scale for the world’s largest merchants.

“Identity is the common thread that connects payments, fraud and abuse. Put simply, you need to know who you’re doing business with,” said Eran Vanounou, chief technology officer, Forter. “Forter’s latest product releases provide identity intelligence across the digital commerce journey – enabling modern payment architecture that lifts conversion, improving visibility into fraud and abuse and strengthening connections across the ecosystem.”

Forter is an established expert in payments, helping digital commerce leaders optimise 3DS to complete more transactions, navigate regulations such as PSD2, and increase trust with issuers and banks. In this wave of innovations, Forter has expanded its payment solutions to tackle tokenisation.

Tokenisation substitutes a sensitive data element (like a credit card number) with a non-sensitive data element. Forter tokenisation includes PCI tokenisation, network tokenisation, and account updater to help merchants secure their payment card data and minimise PCI DSS compliance burdens while improving payment performance and protecting revenue from expired/re-issued cards. Forter’s processor-agnostic approach to tokenisation allows enterprises to leverage tokenisation across multiple processors to increase flexibility and employ a true multiprocessor strategy.

The company has also launched enhanced solutions to provide even more visibility and control, putting actionable data in the hands of fraud fighters. These new capabilities include:

●       Alerts within its newly launched Abuse Prevention solution to notify companies of policy-related performance changes.

●       AI insights leverages generativeAI, enabling customers to ask natural language business questions, with Forter instantly surfacing rich insights and visualisations, while ensuring data remains secure.

Forter’s commitment to innovation extends across the digital commerce ecosystem. Recently, the company announced investments in its plug-ins, launching a new integration with commerce tools and enhancing its integration with Shopify to help enterprises accelerate their time-to-value.  Forter has also achieved AWS Advanced Technology Partner status and is listed in AWS Marketplace, making it easy for enterprises to seamlessly purchase and integrate Forter’s solutions into their existing tech stacks.

For more information about the New at Forter April release, visit:

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