Bringing Automation to Banking

Ron Benegbi, Founder & CEO, Uplinq Financial Technologies


Automation is everywhere you look these days; from supermarkets to warehouses to automobiles. This prominent trend shows no sign of abating anytime soon. However, some sectors remain behind others when it comes to adopting automated technologies. Banking is one such segment, but there’s now evidence to suggest that this could be about to change.


What do we mean by automation?

There are a lot of ways to define automation, but broadly the term applies to any technological application where human input is minimized through design. Over the years, automation has evolved from a basic level, which took simple tasks and automated them, all the way to advanced automation powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In general, automated solutions work to increase productivity and efficiency within businesses and often result in a reduction in costs associated with human capital.


Ron Benegbi, Founder & CEO, Uplinq Financial Technologies
Ron Benegbi

Why has the banking sector been slow to adopt automation?

The banking sector has been built on a number of long-standing, tried and tested processes and protocols, which have been continually fortified and refined over time. This is one explanation as to why the sector has been so slow in adopting new, automated methods within its operations. Additionally, many major financial institutions have spent decades building their own internal legacy computer systems, which are often incompatible with modern automated solutions.

When combined, these two issues have caused a significant lag in the banking sector with regards to the adoption of automated technologies. This lag has created a market opportunity that a number of fintech providers have been able to exploit in recent years. Offering a more responsive and tech-first user experience, many fintech providers are leveraging the power of automation to better meet the banking needs of their customers. However, there is still time for the banking sector to start bridging this gap.


Does automation have a place in the banking sector?

The opportunity for automation to play a role within banking can be transformational.

To achieve this, it’s important that legacy organizations begin to learn from their more tech-savvy, smaller counterparts. If used effectively, automated financial solutions can greatly improve the experience of banking customers, both on a personal and business level. So, what exactly does this change look like, and how far away are we from seeing it become a reality?

A good place to start is the small business credit lending process, where not much has changed since the 1980’s. Over that period, the world has greatly transformed, but the methods used to assess credit worthiness have remained somewhat static. For the most part, banks assess data related to businesses’ accounting and banking records and from credit scores. For many businesses, especially the newer and less established ones, this antiquated approach is having a detrimental effect. In fact, it’s often cited as a contributor to the huge funding gap between SMBs and their larger counterparts.


How can automation benefit the banking sector?

By adopting more automated technologies, lenders in the banking sector can begin to assess more comprehensive information when making credit decisions. Notably, new methods exist, which enable additional data sets to be evaluated, in order to build a more accurate financial depiction of a business’ overall position. This data can come from sources like external market attributes, economic indicators, demographic data and exogenous shocks.

By leveraging additional data sets through new methods of financial automation, banks are now in a position to respond more effectively to small businesses, including those in emerging and evolving markets where there is a lack of conventional sources of information.

With more ways to access funding, facilitated by alternative data and automated processes, small business owners can improve their operational efficiencies and accelerate their growth efforts. In doing so, legacy oriented financial institutions can now better equip themselves in protecting against new, nimbler tech-based disruptors.


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