How fintech is key to empowering climate action

Attributed to: Rory Spurway, CEO & Founder of CarbonPay


As human activity continues to have a significant impact on the climate in unprecedented ways; particularly through disconcerting levels of CO2 emissions that contribute to global warming, there is an urgent need  for sustainability to be an integral part of the way industries operate. Research has found that 6 in 10 consumers think UK-based businesses need to do more to combat climate change and cut emissions. To meet the target of reducing 100% of emissions by 2050, innovation and accessibility are essential.  This global crisis paves the way for fintech, a major driving source of innovation, to create new ways of decarbonisation and climate action.

Rory Spurway

Because of this positionality, the  growing fintech sector has a significant role to play when it comes to mitigating the worst of climate change. For instance, new technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and creative innovations within the payments sector have disrupted how businesses can make a positive impact on the environment. One of the most significant ways that the fintech industry can make strides towards reducing emissions comes from partnerships with other businesses. The largest firms, such as Visa and MasterCard, are already known for their environmental sustainability efforts and work with fintech companies to develop the right sustainability aids, such as carbon reduction tools. Fintech can also be used as a catalyst to enforce positive climate action from a B2B standpoint, which is particularly key in a time where many of the biggest companies globally are currently failing to meet their sustainability targets.


How can sustainable fintech tackle greenwashing?

A way companies demonstrate commitment to sustainability and climate action is through green pledges and activities, such as tree planting initiatives. While these are  well-meaning, they can’t be the only avenue taken to combat climate change. Relying solely on one-dimensional initiatives runs the risk of losing environmental efficacy and sometimes are unfortunately used for companies to present a sustainable front without following through — more commonly known as greenwashing. The fintech sector has the power to help companies combat greenwashing concerns, through changing the behaviours and mindset of C-suite executives, prioritising decarbonisation and  by providing tools for tracking emissions. Backed by technology led solutions, the fintech sector actually has a lot of power and capabilities when it comes to changing the face of sustainable action.


Changing the mindset at the C-Suite

One of the major reasons sustainability is still not properly prioritised is that not enough CEOs think like CSOs. CEOs tend to focus more on business and financial operations rather than on CSR, leaving that to CSOs (if the organisation has one). But what does this mean for climate action and sustainability? By adopting a CSO mindset and thinking about climate issues in the same way that CSOs do, CEOs and other C-Suites can make sustainability a key priority for the company rather than separating the two operations. In the same way that everyone has a part to play in ensuring the  wellbeing of our environment, it’s the joint responsibility of the C-Suites to ensure the company is doing its part as well.


Tracking emissions – the first necessary step to decarbonisation

The concept of digital payments is not new, but its development has transformed the way people live, and pay for things daily. Our spending behaviours are largely reliant on technology and have also had a significant impact on the environment, and this is very much tied to carbon emissions. Because of this, it’s essential we adopt tools that enable people to mitigate the negative impacts that their spending habits are having on the environment . One way in which fintech is leading this is by providing the tools to track carbon emissions, and subsequently creating a simple way to offset these emissions. Companies are able to directly and transparently view the impact of their purchases, and with the help of specialised fintech companies, these emissions can be offset. Enabling businesses and their employees to take these easy and small steps to take responsibility for their carbon footprint ensures that sustainability remains accessible and constant , even at a B2B level.








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