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From childish to brutal: the semiotics of security in financial services

Finance brands often play to ideas of ‘security’ in their advertising and communications, rooted in the truth that good financial decisions make the consumer feel secure. However, the situations that make consumers feel ‘secure’ are deeply personal. Whilst some may find comfort in the home and close-knit family life, for others this may be suffocating, and security can be found in freedom and flexibility.

Kimberley Howard, Culture and Semiotics expert at international insight agency Verve, has analysed a range of brands semiotically to decode how ‘security’ as a concept is manifesting in their communications. Here, she explores three key codes – from traditional pillars of security through to simplicity, childishness, and even brutal honesty as markers of security for newer generations.

Childish simplicity

Finance disruptors are taking a more aesthetic approach to their branding. They promise simplicity and an overall ‘nice’ experience when using the brand. The promise of ease, and simply having a nicer time, is the security manifestation here.

Kimberley Howard

Habito use design codes associated with youth culture. Their website takes a synthwave aesthetic with neon pastel tones. We’re presented with a utopian world where we can focus on relaxation and enjoyment, rather than admin or traditional milestones.

In advertising, both Cuvva and Habito use cartoons to tell their stories. Cartoons are traditionally associated with children, and therefore naturally juxtapose the very serious world of banking. In Habito’s ads, mainstream banks are personified as zombie hands – crawling for us and stealing our time and money. They’re the ‘bad guys’, while Habito is a ‘good guy’.

There are no depictions of warm homes and cosy hugs, but instead images of individual freedom. The Cuvva ad depicts a lady driving freely with sunglasses on – a very literal symbol of enjoying life without restraint.

This representation of security reveals cultural shifts for the younger generation. Rising anxiety levels are a big source of insecurity for this generation. Admin, major life decisions – they all add to these fears. Big commitments don’t necessarily equal security. Here, security is simply about living nicer, stress-free lives.

Home comforts

For traditional banks, ‘security’ is expressed in the suggestion they can help achieve wholesome, family-oriented futures.

Both Natwest and Hargreaves Landsdown showcase clear cause-and-effect narratives in their ads, where a protagonist ‘ticks off’ key life milestones: buying a house, having a child. These images are intended to provoke emotions such as nostalgia and longing. Culturally, happy families are often depicted as the pinnacle of success.

The brands themselves are mute in these life stories, but it’s usually revealed that it’s all thanks to sensible banking choices that this comfort is made possible.

Ultimately security here is nest-making, to ensure physical and emotional protection. Being physically rooted to a place, and to a person, to showcase being ‘settled’ and comfortable.

Brutal honesty

In contrast to the serious, emotional narratives of the big banks, new players are delivering a sense of ‘security’ via humour and satire, sharing a brutally honest outlook on life. Whilst this may seem counter-intuitive to security, it’s the cut-through honesty that’s exactly what consumers find reassuring.

For example, Dead Happy talk about death in a hilariously matter-of-fact way, to remove the heavy emotion associated with taking out life insurance. Security is therefore manifesting in staying emotionally ‘down-to-earth’; seeing the reality of the situation rather than a potential hyperbolic ‘what-if?’ future.

From the upside down ‘A’ in their logo; suggesting we’re lying face-down dead, through to their morbid iconography (skulls, ‘X’s, ransom-note-style text) – it’s an honest reminder why we’re on their website. Because we’re going to die one day.

Brands like Tom use a similar approach. They use simple language their customers use, to place them on our level: ‘a quick chinwag with one of our FCA-vetted insurance partners and you’re golden’. There’s acknowledgement and appreciation that here we’re seeing the ‘truth of it’. This can also be viewed as ‘down-to-earth-ness’ – a trait symbolic of authenticity, and deeply respected in British culture.

This analysis suggests several considerations for brands:

  • How we spend our money is deeply personal. Financial brands sell us aspirational lifestyles; but what’s desirable is changing. ‘Security’ for many consumers today isn’t necessarily getting married or having children – it’s simply about feeling less anxious and not having to deal with so much admin.
  • Imagery is shifting out of safety and professionalism.Images of happy families, warm homes and ‘doing the finances’ at the kitchen table are repeated across the finance industry, but they simply aren’t relevant to an emerging generation of savers and spenders.
  • Navigating difficult subjects like death can be hard for consumers. Emergent brands are taking a brutally honest approach. Consider research on your target audience to understand how they think about subjects like ‘death’; it might not be as straightforward as you think.

Brands looking to remain relevant in this changing market will need to monitor emerging trends and invest in insight to understand which ones are meaningful to their customers. A 360 approach to insight is required, to consider not just what customers say they want but to contextualize this within the changing nature of financial communications. This gives a true picture of consumer behaviour, helping brands make smart and informed decisions.

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