CAMRADATA, a leading provider of data and analysis for institutional investors, has today launched ‘The Knowledge Bank’, an investment thought leadership platform – the newest feature of its on-line manager research investment database, CAMRADATA Live.

The Knowledge Bank gives asset managers the opportunity to deliver thought leadership, insight and views, alongside information about their firm’s capabilities using a single platform accessed by over 2700 institutional investors who use CAMRADATA Live for their asset manager research.

Institutional Investors already benefit from being able to view
CAMRADATA Live’s investment data and analysis, manager research and now they can read investment thought leadership all in a single place, free of charge.  

The Knowledge Bank has four core sections,The Homepage, a Tag page, an Asset Manager Page and the Video Library and within these sections will be:

  • Articles and features on current and latest trend developments
  • Most popular topics being discussed
  • Latest video content
  • Most read articles / most watched videos
  • Links to all Knowledge Bank pages
  • In-depth manager research and analytics

Sean Thompson, Managing Director, CAMRADATA said, “The Knowledge Bank is a valuable new service we are introducing to the database that will enable our community of asset managers to demonstrate their thought leadership – adding valuable content and insight that increases the knowledge of our institutional investors and ensures they are kept up to date with the latest investment thinking and trends.”

He added, “This platform is a one stop shop for the institutional investment industry to access everything they need with just one login, eliminating the need to visit different sources to gather research and catch up with what is happening in the industry.”

“Using the platform, investors can research asset managers while visiting their home page to find information about their strategies and capabilities, their current thought leadership and even their latest social media posts. Once an investor has researched an asset manager the platform also provides the facility to contact them direct through CAMRADATA Live, making the whole research process smoother and more time efficient.” 

“The Knowledge Bank is one of the most robust investment information and analysis tools in the market, which offers investors one place to go for all their research needs.”

For more information on CAMRADATA visit

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